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Carrying out my GAME plan

In this weeks assignment, we are reviewing a previous lesson plan that we needed to make adaptations to in order to meet all of the needs of our students. The lesson I chose was presentation that I had my 11th grade history classes do. In one of my classes, I had 5 students who were on a 2nd-5th grade reading and comprehension level. Part of the assignment was having them read the material, go to the computer lab and the library and present it in any fashion as with my approval.
One of my major obstacles was the reading for those 5 students. I arranged that the teacher assistant in their study hall set up the kurzweil reader and allow them to set the pace as to how it was read to them. I then followed up with them assuring that they understood what was read to them.
Once they got through the reading material, I allotted them computer lab and library time in order to do any additional research and get their presentations in order. Since these students over time have become visual and auditory learners, I gave them several websites to use including This site had several videos that they used in their presentation and it aligned perfectly with our curriculum.
This lesson was a successful collaborative effort between the teaching assistant in the study hall, the students, the computer ab and library supervisor, and myself.


  1. Hi Karl,

    I am also a high school teacher but I teach science and really understand what challenge you faced. I use a mac program called Proloquo. I can scan in any text in a book or ona piece of paper and this program converts the text to mp3 format which then can be downloaded to am mp3 player or burned to a cd so the student can listen to the reading. I have also been able to take lecture notes and do the same. I also have used Dragon Speak and Windows Text-to-Speech. All have worked very well as it just depends on what I want to convert. Did your textbook come with cds that make it a digital book? Mone is too old and with no prospects on getting new iones for at least another 3 years, I have to use what I have mentioned. I hope some of the things I have mentioned will help :-)

  2. Those sound like amazingly useful programs! I will have to look into seeing what else may be available to us. Like you, I do not see us getting new books anytime soon. You suggestions are definitely helpful. Thanks!
